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Lyfestyles Magazine and Tyler Morning Telegraph
May/June 2019
Article by chief editor Danny Mogle. Photography by Sarah Miller.

Photo by Sarah Miller ©2019 Tyler Paper
Athens Daily Review - November 28, 2018

"Athens artist Daniella Matchael's brush strokes have taken her to many countries, but now she's showing her creations in an exhibition closer to home."
Rich Flowers
Photo credit Rich Flowers, Athens Daily Review.

Daniela Matchael Projects - Subscribers only
November 10 -December 19, 2018
Valerosa Designs and Gallery
Movement in Retrospect
Daniela Matchael Solo Exhibition

in Retrospect
Daniela Matchael
a solo exhibition of paintings
Daniela Matchael, an East Texas, Brazilian born contemporary artist, will have
her first Tyler, TX solo exhibition of paintings, titled
Movement in Retrospect, at
Valerosa Designs and Gallery from
November 10, through December 19, 2018. Matchael’s vibrant and expressive paintings stem from the artist’s investigation on life and motion. This exhibition is an exploration on the importance of nourishment, spirituality and the world around us, featuring a selection of Matchael’s pieces produced during the past decade.

Movement in Retrospect
Many years had passed since artist Daniela Matchael saw for the first time, looking out of an airplane window, the round fields of crops that would inspire her to produce a series of paintings. While living in Texas, the basic means of nutrition of this country fed the artist’s inspiration to embark on an artistic journey that followed a path to portray humanity’s Basic Needs, Spirituality and the Other, or the World. This would also be a literal voyage, since the artist and her art would travel to several states in the United States and across the ocean showing the pieces born out of this experience. Throughout this decade Matchael’s work was shown in New York, several places in Europe and in Latin America.
Three series produced during the past decade will be represented in this exhibition. The first, “Fields Collection,” with most pieces just arriving from Europe for the opening, was produced in the beginning of the decade. The second, in the artist’s words, a series of “transitional and spiritual paintings” or “Koi Series,” range from expressive to quasi representational pieces. Finally, part of a larger project with non-profit organizations in the favelas (shanty towns) of Rio de Janeiro, “Favelas” give a perspective of the artist’s more current work.
Matchael uses color and oils to render motion and fluidity. Whether through the experience of the gentle open circular lines of yellow-orange or colorful koi fish gently swimming on a pond of purple, blue, red, teal and yellow waters, or the fluid patterns that one sees revealed while looking at tiny windows of others’ homes on a hillside, the shapes seem to sway on an almost unnoticeable manner.
Artist Bio
Born in Campinas, Brazil in 1972, Matchael has lived many places both in Brazil and the U.S. before settling in Texas in 2010. “I may have moved just as many times as I paint moving things,” says the artist. Letting go of a promising budding artistic career in Brazil in her early youth, the artist worked in business for many years before getting back to art in the mid 2000s. Since then she has had the opportunity to travel and show her art throughout Europe, Brazil and the United States. Matchael’s work has received awards and commendations. Matchael currently lives and works in Athens, TX with her husband and has two sons. Matchael holds a BFA from the Panamerican School of Arts of Sao Paulo. Her work is in collections in France, the UK, Australia, Italy, Germany, Brazil and the U.S. For more information about the artist, please visit