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Oil on Canvas

Daniela Matchael's art is inspiring, energetic and expressive . The subjects Matchael have painted varied through the years, and yet, the bold brushstrokes, impasto and the use of multiple layers of f oil and acrylic paints are a signature to the artist's work.


The work inspires introspection through repetition of elements in the paintings. It also invigorates the viewer by Matchael's choice of bold, mainly unmixed colors.


The artist's exploration of themes that range from seemingly abstract to representational of world scenes follow the artist's own path of self-discovery. At the same time, the work connects with the path followed by many others in the world. 

Favelas Series

In 2015, Daniela Matchael created a multi-sensory art project to bring awareness to the needs of children who lived in the Favelas (Shanty-towns) of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 


This is an ongoing project encompassing several non-profit organizations operating at in-need communities in Rio. 


Part of the proceeds from sales of all pieces produced for the project help specific needs in these communities. 

To see more paintings from Favelas Series, click here

Koi Series

Koi series is a series of transitional and spiritual paintings. 

The fish swim peacefully in circular patterns among the brightly colored brushstrokes of oil paint surrounding them. 


Oblivious of their own colors, they aimlessly swim above a sea of prayers set before them. 


To see more paintings from Koi Series, click here

Fields Collection

Inspired by Aerial views of the midwestern United States, the paintings of Fields Collection have captured the hearts of collectors and art critics in Europe and Latin America. 


To see more paintings from this collection, click here

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