A Series of Workshops that Help You Connect with Your Creative Potential

Although I’ve been a professional artist for the past 12 years, I’ve been in all stages of questioning my creative potential I highlighted here.
Through my life, I’ve met hundreds of other people, professed and not professed artists, who felt the same about their creativity and their creative potential. Believe me, I think we all struggle with this!
I know that 12 weeks may seem a lot to commit to, but I’ve seen too many people unfulfilled and questioning their creative potential for too long in life. I also have seen the people who have done something to unlock their potential. In the long run, the ones who act on digging in and doing the work are glad they did. I am one of them.
I am not promising that you’ll become a professional artist if you have never dabbled with paint by taking this series of workshops. What I say is that with the series of workshops in Unlocking Creativity you will find the process, time and space that has guided countless numbers of people to understand, nurture and tap into their creative potential.
During these 12 weeks of Unlocking Creativity you will gain self-knowledge, explore your creative potential , and apply tools that will help you expand your vision for your creative possibilities.
If this sounds like a commitment you can make, please keep reading for details.

You've been doing this alone all this time. It's time to connect with others that are on the same boat.

Center yourself and take time to dig into one of the things that matter in your life.

It took you a while to get where you are, so focus on one aspect of this journey at a time. There's no need to rush.

As a person who has dealt with and overcome self-doubt and creative blocks, I know the need to recognize, nurture and work toward reaching my creative potential. I know how you feel when you question your own potential, it's worth or even it's existence!
The Unlocking Creativity series of workshops was born out of my own struggle with locked creativity and self-doubt. I use the methods and resources that helped me to connect with my own creative impulse and propel my art career forward.
I have also seen how these same methods have helped countless people around the world. Not necessarily through my own workshops, but for their own merit. Because of that I call myself a facilitator and not a teacher of these workshops.
What I promise you is that we will work together in a nurturing and respecting environment. We're all on the same boat. Although our creative journeys may be different, creativity will meet us in the end if we work together and support each other.
One Book that Changed Everything
It had been 7 years since I had created anything. I felt the urge to create, but felt I had lost the ability to do so. My life had shifted drastically from being an artist with a promising starting career, to writing training programs for a human resources consulting firm to becoming their youngest and most successful sales and customer service consultant working with medium size businesses.
From that also promising consulting career, life shifted a few more times three years before the creative urge came. I now lived in the United States, was married to an US Navy officer and had just had a newborn baby boy. Unannounced, the urge drove up the driveway, knocked on the creative doors, but, to its surprise, the doors were all locked. All I could do, in a mixture of fear and excitement, was to peer through the peep hole. I pretended no one was home.
I did eventually start creating again, but fear haunted me. Determined to figure out how to help my creative self overcome the challenge of not being able to freely create, I decided to try different things and read.
I read every book about creativity I could get my hands on. I became a certified art therapist and worked as a volunteer art therapist with cancer patients. I was able to start painting again, and created a body of work. and yet, I felt I could not freely create. Something still held me back.
On the summer of 2013 I came across Julia Cameron's Book The Artist's Way - A Spiritual Path the Higher Creativity. This was a book that outlined a process for getting people like me "unstuck" in their creativity. As I started reading the book and working through its prompts, I decided to call on a few friends and ask if they would like to join me in reading the book and working through it.
There were five of us in the group. Each of us from different walks in life, different artistic aims and all of us felt we could improve our creative potential. What started out as a few friends getting together to read through a book and share what we had discovered, became a life changing experience.
We built a bond that still keeps us connected, and we still support each other.
After working through The Artist's Way with this group of friends, I not only my creativity soar, but also my career.
Click on the image to purchase the book.

So this is it. If you are looking to explore the possibilities of a creative life, or maybe you already have a creative life, but feel stuck and unfulfilled. Perhaps you feel you've only been scratching at the surface of your creative potential.
I would love to have you join me and all the others taking this series of workshops.
I promise you we will work together in a respectful and nurturing way to help each of us through our own creative journeys, whatever they may be.
I'll see you on March 9th!
Sign up below!